Aquila Admin Theme

WordPress plugin
// JavaScript, Less CSS, PHP

Material Design inspired WordPress admin theme with custom color schemes.

Add your own logo to match your website.


Latest Version




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4 Comments. Leave new

  • Hello
    Thank you for the most AMAZING plugin. I really love the look and feel, I have noticed it is messing with my DIVI installation when I use the Divi visual builder, the secondary header dose not show (it leaves a blank gap) some of the header texts appear larger than they are in the builder but go back to normal when exiting the builder.

    • Hi Grant,

      Thanks for your kind words! In the latest version of Aquila you can now hide the admin bar until the icon is clicked in the top-left, which should solve your issue.

      Let me know if you notice anything else.


  • Hello, great plugin!
    I liked it very much, I customized my admin for the client & looks perfect & it’s easy to use.
    I was wondering if it is possible to use with other plugins like “Adminimize” for hiding admin elements & with “All In One WP Security” or “WPS Hide Login”
    Thank you


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