Change the default product placeholder image in WooCommerce.
In this example, we have created a new image called placeholder.jpg
and uploaded it to the uploads
Change the default product placeholder image in WooCommerce.
In this example, we have created a new image called placeholder.jpg
and uploaded it to the uploads
add_action( 'init', 'guyPrimavera_wc_placeholder_image' );
function guyPrimavera_wc_placeholder_image() {
add_filter('woocommerce_placeholder_img_src', 'guyPrimavera_placeholder_img_src');
function guyPrimavera_placeholder_img_src( $src ) {
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$uploads = untrailingslashit( $upload_dir['baseurl'] );
$src = $uploads . '/placeholder.jpg'; // This will grab the image "placeholder.jpg" in your WP uploads directory
return $src;
Paste this snippet into your theme's functions.php or in a WordPress plugin.